*Each year 975 children die in motor vehicle accidents.
*Car seats reduce the risk of fatal injury by 80%
It is important to use a child restraint EVERY TRIP! But it is also important to use your restraint correctly. Unfortunately, 8 out of 10 child restraints are used incorrectly. The most common form of misuses for all child restraint system (CRS) included loose vehicle seat belt attachment to the CRS and loose harness straps securing the child to the CRSs.
Its important for everyone in the car to be restrained in every trip. Here's why:
Basic child restraint use suggestions:
Infant should ride rear facing as long as possible. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests until they reach the upper weight limits of a rear facing seat. Some seats that means 22lbs and some up to 35lbs. At the VERY LEAST until the child is 20lbs AND 1 year old.
Children 20 to 40 lbs should ride in a forward facing seat (preferrably a 5 point harness) and always use the top tether for optimal protection.
Children above 40 lbs should use at least a booster seat until the child can fit in a standard seat belt correctly. (Some car seat manufacturers have 5 point harnesses up to 80lbs.)
All 50 states have child restraint laws. 25 states have primary or standard laws for child restraints, meaning police can stop a vehicle soley for seat belt violations.
Ok... I'm glad to get that out. Much more info to come.
Please know I am not making any of this up. Feel free to check my information.
Visit: www.usa.safekids.org or www.carseat.org
I welcome any questions or comments!
I'll leave you with this... The reason for my passion.

Him a few months ago in his new big boy seat!

Hanging in the swimming pool... Some kids have a blankie for comfort...Our has a pink hammer!

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