I'm headed to Nashville this Sunday to attend a national CPS conference called Lifesavers. It's my first year and I'm super excited. I'm sure I'll come back with all sorts of information on new products and technologies. I know you will all be on the edge of your seats to hear my latest safety spill.
I'm also gearing up for the 2nd Annual Statewide Child Passenger Safety Conference.
We are coordinating that here in Oklahoma City. If you have ever put on a conference you know how exhausted I am. Hopefully, we have thought of everything! -ha.
We are excited to be hosting some of the most sought after national speakers.
Dave Long,"The Airbag Detective" to talk to us about new airbag technologies and their pros and cons. Vera Fullaway from Combi (the car seat manufacturer) International, to present on new products and installation issues. John Drees from Safe Kids Kansas to talk specifically about LATCH and misuse!
I know next month, I'll have a great report from our conference.
We have enjoyed lots of playtime with friends and family. I'm attaching some pics of our fun times.
Austen & Grant, 2nd Cousins
Austen and Ashton
Austen and Ry
For pics of Austen and his Mueller cousins visit Danielle's Blog.
Austen is doing/saying tons of funny things. I need to use this blog more to document those. His favorite phrases right now are "umm, yes" or "umm, NO". Whenever you ask him a question he almost always answers with an "Umm." I've had people tell me its because I say that, but I've never noticed it.
He also, loves airplanes, trains, helicopters. He will point to the sky and say "airplane" when he hears one even if he can't see it. Sometimes even in the house. He is starting to like watching "Moomies" aka Movies. He asks to watch a "moomie" if he's tired.
He his also starting to like coloring and painting.
Our refrigerator is covered with his creations! I love it! I always wondered if my fridge would ever look like this.
Needless to say we are having tons of fun. I have a few videos of him playing golf I need to upload! Austen will be going to Beaver to stay with Granny and Pop next week, then I will be coming on Thursday to host a car seat check up event there!
I am super excited to bring this event to Beaver and really hope everyone there realizes the importance of having their car seat checked!
I'll have pics of that next time definitely!